The Future of Work: The Rise of the Freelancer

The rise of the freelancer has shifted how companies hire and manage talent, reshaped how people work, and redefined the way we see our future. The Global Workplace Index 2024 found that more than 72 million Americans earned some part of their income from independent contracting or side-gigging last year. This figure includes full-time freelancers and leased workers.

Freelancers are taking over, but the trend is still young. And a lot can change in the next five years. That’s why it’s important to be aware of these macro trends as we move into 2025.

As the covid pandemic flattened cultural and technological barriers that stood in the way of remote work, a major shift in the workforce took place. Many of the companies that hired freelancers during the epidemic did so for one reason or another—to control costs, mitigate uncertainty, or deal with surging demand. But the pandemic didn’t just boost the number of freelancers; it also accelerated the adoption of digital technologies that make working remotely possible.

With access to fast, reliable internet and mobile devices, it’s never been easier to take your work with you. This has given rise to concepts like “quiet vacationing” and “digital nomadism,” where people combine work and leisure by traveling with their laptops and smartphones.

This change in how we do business is also affecting our sense of what it means to do “hard” work. For decades, we’ve seen hard work as a badge of honor, but that has begun to fade.

In fact, many employees are starting to quit their jobs in droves. Movements like quiet quitting and anti-hustle culture are direct responses to worker burnout, disillusionment, and a growing desire for fair compensation.

As these macro trends shape the future of work, it’s imperative for organizations to think strategically about their total workforce design. This includes preparing for the need to have traditional full- and part-time employees alongside freelancers, leased workers and crowdsourced contributors.

This means anticipating future skills requirements, leveraging educational systems to provide ongoing training and upskilling, and sourcing and engaging talent globally through impact sourcing. It also means developing agile, productive workplaces that enable all types of work regardless of where people are located.

The good news is that, if done correctly, the future of work is a bright one. And by investing in flexible workplaces that enable both the full range of work options and the right mix of talent, organizations can create a future that offers more rewarding, meaningful career opportunities for their employees.

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Hi, I’m Michael. My journey into online marketing wasn’t a straight line—it was full of failures, false starts, and lessons learned the hard way. From affiliate marketing to dropshipping, I tried it all, and for every success, there were setbacks that made me question if this was even possible. But through persistence and constant learning, I finally cracked the code. Now, I help others navigate the same challenges and build sustainable, profitable online businesses. Making money online isn’t a dream—it’s a reality, and I’m here to show you how.


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